Common Industrial Flooring Damage


Industrial floors are designed to withstand heavy usage and extreme conditions, but they can suffer from wear and tear over time. This wear and tear can cause several types of damage to the flooring, which may require repairs or restoration. In extreme cases, you may need a comprehensive floor restoration.

Widespread Moisture Damage

Moisture damage is a common cause of extreme wear and tear on industrial floors. Moisture can infiltrate the flooring through cracks or other openings. Eventually, this can result in the floors suffering extensive cracking and warping.

Restoring moisture-damaged industrial floors involves several steps to repair and prevent the issue from returning. For example, any leaks in the area must be repaired. Any structural damage to the floors will also need repairs. This could include replacing warped sections or patching cracks that may have formed.

Potholes In The Floor

Due to heavy traffic or structural issues with the building, potholes can form on many industrial floors. These potholes can be dangerous for employees and can also cause damage to vehicles or equipment.

Industrial floors with potholes require major repairs. Often, this problem results from soil washing away from under your concrete floors. Filling this space will be essential to prevent this from occurring. Once this hole is filled, replacement concrete can be poured over the pothole to restore the floors. In addition to minimizing safety risks, repairing these potholes also stops the damage from spreading.

Buckled Seams

Buckled or damaged seams can occur where two sections of flooring meet. Buckled seams can create tripping hazards. These damaged sections should be removed and replaced with new flooring. Additionally, the surrounding areas should be inspected for any other signs of damage, which may require further repairs. For example, the strain the buckled section puts on the floors may lead to cracks developing relatively far from the buckled seam. A flooring repair contractor can complete an assessment to determine the scope and the scale of the damage to the floors.


Spalling occurs when the surface layer of the flooring breaks into large pieces. This damage is caused by exposure to chemicals or other corrosive substances. These substances will cause the floor to become brittle, leading to cracking and breaking. Spalling can create a rough surface that can be dangerous for employees and allow moisture to infiltrate the flooring.

Repairing this issue may involve patching the damaged areas or applying a new coating to the surface of the flooring. Additionally, the underlying cause of the spalling should be identified and addressed to prevent further damage. 

For more info, contact a local company like Archway Brick & Tile.


13 March 2023

Under Your Feet

What's under your feet right now? Well, you might be outside on the grass, in which case, you can disregard that question. But if your indoors, the floor is what's under your feet. If you have not spent a lot of time thinking about the floor under your feet, that's about to change. Welcome to a blog about flooring. This may sound like a rather flat or one-sided topic at first, but we have so much to say. We're going to blog about all different types of flooring. We'll share articles on installing it, caring for it, and so much more!